
How to wear belts: style guide

August 29, 2017

With skirt or trousers ?, wide or narrow ?, on the waist or hip? Discover how to make the belt the ideal complement to enhance your figure.

Although we often do not pay the attention it deserves, the belt is one of our great allies to give the final touch to our look and achieve the desired image. In addition, this garment has the ability to modify an outfit in a radical way. The same clothing can go from formal to casual and elegant to casual just add the appropriate belt.

But, beware: Choosing the wrong belt can also make the best outfit disastrous. Pay attention to the tips presented here and outline your own style guide. Turn the belt into your best complement.

Wide, narrow, simple, recharged, fringed, printed. Belts are of all shapes, colors, sizes and materials. It is not difficult, therefore, to find a belt that we like. But this is not enough. Why settle for a nice belt when we can choose the one that most favors us? Take note and choose the complement that best matches your wardrobe and use it in a way that suits the morphology of your body.


Belt under the chest. Wearing the belt under the chest and above the waist is the perfect choice for women with little bust. If you want a look in which your chest takes center stage, belts placed above the waist will help you to highlight it. Combine it with dresses with flying or straight cut. You will get a remarkably feminine look.

It is also the best option for plump women. If you want to hide those extra pounds that bring you head, put your belt under your chest. You will reduce your silhouette and you will lose protagonism to your belly. However, choose the appropriate belt for each garment or you will get the opposite effect.

Belt at the waist. On the opposite side is the use of the belt at waist height. Be careful because putting on the belt in this way will not stylise your body unless you combine it the right way. Wearing the belt at the waist creates the visual effect of splitting your body in half, so you should avoid it if you just want to disguise your belly.

Belts at waist level are ideal for tall, thin women. With them you can balance your figure. You will achieve the perfect combination in tight pants and high waist. Dare to try.

If you are small in size, choose a belt of medium thickness and the same color as the garments that accompany it to stylize and lengthen your waistline. Placing the belt just below the waist will also help you achieve this visual effect. Focus on simple buckles and avoid eccentricities that would spoil the finish of your look.

Belt on the hip. It is the ideal place to wear this accessory for women with short waist and chest. Combine it with wide garments if you want to disguise a prominent bust. If you are going to wear it with pants, remember that the blouse should always go on the outside. Follow this tip to the letter: a shirt inside the pants will make you look thicker.

If you are a woman with broad shoulders and a narrow hip, dare with the belts on the hip. They will help you to highlight this area of ​​the body and give it proportionality. To achieve the opposite effect and dissimulate wide hips, choose thin belts.


Thin belt. It is the ideal complement for women with wide hips because it allows them to dissimulate them with a smaller volume appearance. But the truth is that this type of belt favors all types of bodies and combines perfectly with any garment. The thin belt is perfect for women with curves, as it manages to mark their waist and stylize their figure.

It is your best ally as both an ornamental and functional complement. It is useful for holding pants too loose, but also for enhancing your figure when you wear loose clothing. If you want to show a breakthrough image and create trend, we encourage you to use it with maxidresses and maxiskirts.

Wide belt. Women with high waist and slim can shape their silhouette with the use of this complement. The use of wide belts will give you volume and accentuate your curves. Choose bright shades and bet on eye-catching buckles.

If you want instead to stylize your figure, put it on the waist. That way you'll look thinner. But be careful: do not do it if you have a lot of chest and wide hips, you will achieve a greater volume effect.


Belts with skirts and dresses. The possibilities are endless and the combinations too. Just make sure you choose the right one for each moment. When choosing a belt for a skirt, remember that your figure will be divided in two. Therefore, you must make sure the suitability of the combination chosen and based on the above guidelines to highlight your figure. In the case of dresses, virtually all dresses admit to wearing a belt, you just have to follow the basic fashion rules. If your dress is smooth, dare with a striking belt; If your dress is printed, opt for smooth and non-strident belts.

Belts with trousers. Wide, skinny, high or low waist and even shorts. All of them support the use of a belt. You just have to look at the appropriate one for each outfit and each moment. If you want to look chic, opt for the high waist and a thin belt; For a more casual image, he wears jeans with a long shirt - always outside his pants - and a belt on his hip. The choice is yours.

Belts superimposed. It is a daring option but ideal for showing your curves. Wear a belt over your coat or jacket. Escape layers and layers that leave your shape shapeless and endow your outfit with the overlap of belts.

Without belt. Let's face it, there are times when it's best not to wear a belt. Leave this accessory in your closet when you feel swollen or want to hide your waist or trunk. In case of using it, it opts for the same shade as other garments, for dark colors and simple buckles.

As a final tip, do not forget that you should never buckle the belt in the last hole. Be tall or short, thick or thin, it will spoil your image and give the impression that the belt has become small. Empower your image, it is in your hand.

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