
How to combine masculine suspenders

January 23, 2018

The male suspenders have become fashionable! This garment that was once used by most men is once again part of our current catwalks. And it is that the man of the 21st century is a person who knows how to take advantage of the best of the past to update it in the present and give it a new, reinvented and unique air. Do you like this fashion accessory but do not know how to wear it? Quiet because in this article we are going to give you the guidelines you need to know how to combine male suspenders and get an incredible look. You sign up?

A look with more classic male suspenders

Many men for work issues, if the work demands a very correct and elegant wardrobe, either by personal decision or because an important social event is approaching they should wear a perfect styling taking care of all the details. A classic that never goes out of fashion and essential for the most sophisticated suits are the suspenders.

A trend that is always successful regardless of the season of the year in which we find ourselves, or the proposals imposed by the versatile fashion industry every season. Therefore it is always advisable to have a set of pants, jacket, tie and suspenders in your wardrobe.

In this other article we tell you how to use suspenders for men.

A masculine urban look

However, if you want to learn to combine male suspenders to be more current fashion and get a more modern look, then you should opt for the colorful and casual designs that you will find in more youthful stores.

There are plenty of colors, patterns, designs and shapes from the black classics, to the funniest and originals with bold and strong tones. In this way, depending on the type of strap you choose you will get a casual and urban look or on the other hand a sober and sophisticated style, like the classic executive.

Two proposals of looks with male suspenders

Here we give you two fashionable combinations to wear male suspenders:

  • With jeans: If you want to combine suspenders for a daily style and thus away from the classic looks, one possibility is to combine jeans, a simple shirt with a fun design and a few straps of colors to match the colors of your clothes or similar shades .
  • With other colors: If you want you can even combine white pants with a navy blue shirt and braces in deep red, and in turn combine with the shoes.

The key is to choose the right pieces, without exceeding by choosing tonalities and patterns that collide and that in the long run do not favor your wardrobe at all.

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