
How to wear a bathing suit

February 08, 2018

Hello girls, whenever we go on a trip to the beach, when they invite us to a pool or even when we are on hot ground, the first thing we do is look for a good bathing dress, this one that makes us look slender, beautiful and much more beautiful ; This is the dilemma of many of us since we must know which is the right for each body, but remember that not only should you look good in a bathing suit, but also prepare the skin and body to look spectacular with it.

A few years ago the bathing suit was one piece and not only because the body should wear it, but because it was an obligation for that time, the women who wore the two-piece swimsuit branded them as daring. However, at present, women wear the bathing suit not only to show their body but to feel good wearing it, now what we should do with our body to look and look beautiful with a bathing suit is:

  1. Since your skin will be exposed to the sun you should hydrate it often, moisturizing products in all its versions, provide the cells with the water they need to function, and provide a barrier effect that prevents water evaporation from the epidermis . You just have to spend a little time each day and night so that the skin stays moist.
  2. You have to re-apply the sunscreen after leaving the water, after drying with a towel or two hours after the last application, so you will not affect and expose your skin to sun cancer.
  3. Like all cosmetic products, photo protectors lose effectiveness over time.
  4. Do not forget that you should shave before wearing an excellent dress, you can do the old fashioned with a blade or razor, although there are some women who like waxing because it lasts much longer, you must do it from a week to three days before leaving on vacation is convenient; However, in order to be effective, it is necessary to wait until the hairs have a length of 4 to 5 millimeters; So no matter how you shave you remember that it is best to see a smooth, fresh and toned skin.
  5. Before starting to expose the skin to the sun, there is no better option than to exfoliate it to remove dead cells from it and recover its vitality. While exfoliation is recommended as a basic pre-step, it should not be done immediately after depilation , and you have to wait at least two days. Likewise, when you are going to be exposed to the sun daily it is convenient to do it at least three days before.

If you want to disguise the bottom part, the right swimsuit would be:

  • The colors that you should use in the lower part should be dark avoid the prints, the bright tones and the ruffles. It prefers short type models, or those that have wide strips on the sides. If they sink in your hip, it will be more pronounced and will make you see more caderona and that is what we want least in our body.

If you want to increase the top part, the right swimsuit would be:

You will have to resort to the printed, the bright tones and the ruffled ones for the top part, because they will help you to highlight it, diverting the attention of the zone that you want to disguise.

If you want to look thinner or disguise your abdomen the right bath dress would be:

  • For corpulent women should use a whole bathing suit or one piece, because it stylizes the body much more. If you want to disguise the abdomen, today you find models equipped with belts in that area.
  • Avoid flashy prints and prefer solid colors, which should not necessarily be dark, such as black or navy blue, but rather opaque. If you like stripes, prefer vertical ones, which will make you look thinner.

Do not forget that regardless of the swimsuit you want to use, you should feel good about yourself, self-esteem is paramount so that other people see you beautiful.

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